What happens when you need a larger cutting envelope than standard? Well, at Release Boatworks we decided to have a 5-axis CNC machine built custom by the leader in industrial aviation and marine CNC machinery, C.R. Onsrud. This week we took delivery on our new $1million, 100,000lb beast, thanks to D.M. Brown Companies Industrial Mover.
The Custom G Series incorporates top-rail design technology of the G Series – thus the combination of short, stout, one-piece steel vertical columns delivers more rigidity and generates greater leverage over the bridge than side rail designs found in this CNC machine class. The end-result is an impressive CNC machining platform delivering higher precision for handling the largest workpieces, the heaviest materials (and tooling), with all the unique automation and material handling options C.R. Onsrud offers.
This will be a fine addition to our engineering and manufacturing process!